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Assemble a good quantity of aluminum foil, baking soda and your largest stockpot.
Line a large glass container or other receptical such as a stoppable sink that will not be damaged by significant amount of boiling water.
The Method
Add 3-5 tbls of baking soda to an 8 qut stockpot of water and bring to a boil.
Arrange silver in the lined area.
When the water boils, pour over the silver and the tarnish will quickly transfer to the foil. Let it soak until it is gleaming and use the tongs to carefully remove the silver.
Rinse it well under warm water and pat dry.
Necessary disclaimer: Boiling water will burn you. Badly. Be careful. Author accepts no responsibility for harm to user or their property.
Old Silver
As silver ages, it acquires a highly desirable white patrina which can be achieved in no other way. Harsh chemical cleansers will strip this patina, as will too-vigorous polishing. The following method provides an excellent alternative.

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